
"You do not need to know dates for the test. You do not need to know dates for the test...

...however say I were to ask you Balfour Declaration. It should be obvious that the answer is November 2nd 1917. But you do not need to know dates for the test."
-Professor Musallam

This week we had finalsfinalsfinals so I spent all of my time learning about the 6 Day War, Ezekial eating a scroll (did you guys know about that? why didn't you tell me?), Theodore Herzl, the path of the Ark of the Covenant, Ayatollahs in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan, etc. Something you may or may not know about me: I'm kind of a stress case when it comes to being lost and tests. Foosball kept me sane. And I don't even like foosball! But now that they're over I can breathe for a second and then start stressing about finding a job. JK, JK. No, but seriously.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Islam and Palestine

pretending to study

Garden Tombing

separation walling

rocking the dome (Nick, Grace, Maddie, me)

celebration night in West J-ru (me, Maddie, Abby)

If you need me next week I'll be on the shores of Galilee. Peace.