
august highlight reel

Aaaand there goes August. I wish I could say that I didn't post because we were on a really exotic trip or doing something equally exciting. In reality, we've mostly been putzing around here and trying to soak up as much sun as we can before we go back into hibernation in a month or so. But here's what we did do.

1. Greater Portland Half Marathon- I know what you're thinking..."a half marathon? in August?!" LOL! Don't worry, guys! We thought this all through beforehand. August is actually the best time to run a race in the PNW because you have a couple nice months to train and it never really gets above 80 even in the summer months. But wait, no. Actually, it was the hottest day in Portland in 3 years. High of 103. Joke's on us.
Adam just told me that this is one of his favorite shirts. Not quite sure what to make of that.

2. Hiking Mount Bickerson/Dickerson/Dickerman- Our friends Jake and Jordan somehow got the wrong idea about us and ended up assuming we were both really strong hikers (which is true for one of us and I'll let you guess which one). Once Adam and I finally figured out the name of the hike we were doing in 12 hours, we looked it up and realized it was 4.5 miles straight up a mountain. I'm still recovering.
not too shabby for a phone picture, right?
3. Some Ohani Camping- crashing family reunions is fun to do (fun to do, to do, to do!) Thanks to CA's mom's uncle's wife and her family and some of their families and friends of those families for letting us crash their annual camping trip. I still think we won the award for most distantly connected campers.
only the cheesiest of poses on this log
snowball fights optional

4. Golfing with the Brunsons- technically in September but I'll include it because we left for this trip on August 31st. Adam played his favorite course and I got to tag along in the golf cart so it was a win-win.
18th holing

And I don't like to toot my own horn but I will say that when we went and played the kiddie course on Monday I got (what I'm now calling) a "double par + 1". What can I say? I'm a natural.