
polaroad trip

this is what happened all the way from Provo, UT to Ashburn, VA:

This is Adam being soso glad that we chose to go through Wyoming. The majority of the 8 hours from Provo to Denver seriously looked a lot like this.
Kansas is a little bit like heaven

Not as cool as the 7438292 billboards promised. We'll have to go back sometime between Memorial day and Labor day if we really want to see the 17 foot tall prairie dog or the 5 legged cow. Which, I mean, come on...we obviously do.

There's no place like the Oz Museum in Wamego, Kansas

Still in Oz town. We decided to ask the lady taking pictures of every store on the street to take our picture because she looked like she probably had a lot of practice.squinting in Pittsburgh

me and all my single ladies in Charlottesville

I hope this isn't the one named Spirit because what a dumb name for a dolphin. I'll probably take it all back when I drop out of school to become a dolphin trainer and me and Spirit are besties.
Digital pictures coming soon to a blog near you.

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe you drove through wyoming. go through the mountains next time, cause there will be a next time.
