
finally a student

Yesterday I checked out 4 books from the BYU library,
which brings my total number of books checked out from the BYU library to 4...I feel like maybe I've been faking academia these past 3 plus years.

Oh well. I'm too excited about smooching this bearded face* in a week to really care.

*and Amber's face and Norhan's face and Jessica's face and Charlotte's face, etc.

**except minus the beard, of course.

***but definitely including the smooching.


  1. baaahhhh!!

    but boo to the book checking out. i miss hbll. gw's library sucks and has a starbucks in it. fake library. and at byu i got to check out books for three months as an employee and i think as a grad student you get them for like 6 but here, only like 6 weeks. bummer. boring comment. can't wait to see you guyz

  2. ekkkkkkk (i am doing my happy dance) so excited!
