
"Spring Break"

...doesn't exist. At least not for me. But sometimes I get lucky and the people I love come and visit me on theirs. This year I got TWO visitors but wasn't as good about documenting Jessica's trip to the UT (um...prolly cause I still don't have a camera). But Adam came and it felt GOOD to have him back in Provo. Still don't really get why he left. We saw lots of old friends, baked, played (Rummikub, duh), held hands, and went to class together ("this is SO COOL! You guys just talk about things
without Powerpoints!").
Pretty darn proud of ourselvesThe Ozz! (Family Fun Center) She put us at the table closest to the window "so people can see we've got customers."
I'm a sharktrick shot
boob shot

Rrrrrrooooommates (minus one plus one)
Should I have brushed my hair on my birthday?
You might not be surprised if you lived with me last year.
Draper Temple,where I put to use my newly acquired skillz.

Is it April 21st yet?


  1. you know, i was much happier not having a spring break at BYU than actually having one at GW and not being able to use it because i had to work. (even though i'm in an academic department and no one was here. grrr.)

  2. well i don't know about everyone else but I'm sure glad you didn't comb your hair on your birthday

  3. Why did it take us so long to enjoy the wonder that is the OZZ? Maybe because they didn't have visual customers to lure us in.

  4. Omygoodness did the lady at OZZ really say that? ("so others can see we got customers?)
    now THAT i love!

    your cheesecake was fabulous!

    (and not to bring this up but i look AWFUL in that pic.)

  5. Ummmm....if the Ozz has invisible customers they SERIOUSLY need to be advertising that.
