
AZ in 3

When Adam and Nathan almost got into the next edition of this best seller
about as close as we got to the edge
is green even my color? don't answer that.

We traveled to Phoenix with a dead camera battery so most of our trip pictures are either stolen from the Burts or crummy cell phone pictures. I know, I know. It was pretty amazing, though. I feel a little bad saying that the weather was perfect because I know how it feels when someone visits your city in its best season (eg Seattle in August) and then wonders why anyone ever complains about the weather there. But the weather was perfect! (And also you should totally come to Seattle in August! I'll even let you tell me how amazing the weather is!) We got to see lots of great friends, Adam played golf,  and we both got sunburned. So yeah, I'd say it was a success.

PS Is anyone still reading this now that google reader is gone? I know my blog has been dying a slow death since like...its birth, but I still think it was a little rude of google to just kill it without my consent. Also, is this analogy too dramatic? I need answers, people!


  1. so i thought you were in london or something...arizona is cool too. And can I just say that EVERYONE'S blogs are dying and I'm SO sad about it. I will blog til my death!

  2. I am still reading and loving your blog! Keep it up!

  3. I'm going to get a new reader! Join me and we'll keep bloggin alive!! Nevermind the fact that I haven't posted in A YEAR!! crap.

  4. Seattle sounds awesome. My crew needs a trip!

  5. I finally got around to reading your post. Sorry. I don't even know what google reader is. I only know how to look up your blog because I have it saved under "Favorites". Personally I hope you keep posting. Love Nancy
