
Interview with the One Year Old

Well friends, Anders is a baby no more. And despite being super busy driving his parents batty, he was willing to sit down and have a little conversation with me, his dear old mother, about his first year of life. I've added a few (cough, cough) pictures to enhance the interview and believe me when I tell you that what your about to see is the result of some pretty soul crushing restraint.

M: Welcome Anders. First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy day to meet me with me. 
A: Happy to do anything for the woman who gave me life!
M: Oh? You could start sleeping in until 7.
A: Haha!
M: Let's get started. What are your favorite books?
A: Too many to name but currently all the Llama Llama books (he gets me), Seven Spunky Monkeys, How I Became a Pirate, and A Visitor for Bear

M: What's your favorite movie?
A: Puppies and Babies Playing Together Compilation on YouTube. Truly one of the greatest films of our time. It has gotten me through 2 haircuts and many a nail clipping. 

M: Who's your favorite person?
A: Mom
M: Who's your second favorite person?
A: Dad
M: Who's your third favorite person?
A: ....
M: ....?
A: Next question.

M: What were some of the best moments of your first year?
Whenever Sunny the cat came to play, going to the zoo, meeting my family, seeing dogs, etc.

M: What were the low points?
A: When my parents dropped a full bottle of Aveeno baby wash on my head when I was a few weeks old and I got a huge gash on my scalp. Also, shots.

M: Describe your perfect day
A: I wake up, eat a waffle for breakfast, read a billion books, then my dad chases me around the house, which is hilarious. We go to the dog park and maybe a tiny dog comes up and sniffs my feet? Then I watch the big kids play on the playground for a little bit. After that I eat a quesedilla for dinner and take an hour long bath, read 600,000 more books and then (if I must) go to bed.

M: What's your biggest pet peeve?
A: Diaper changes and outfit changes tie for first 

M: What's your greatest fear?
A: Lactose intolerance

M: What's your greatest achievement? 
A: My hair

M: What are your thoughts on nursing?
A: Nursing is for babies. I gave that up weeks ago.

M: Where do you see yourself in a year?
A: Great question. Probably still in diapers and a crib but I'm optimistic that I'll be in a forward facing car seat by then. I'd also love to get a little more time to explore the open refrigerator and someday I dream of unrolling an entire roll of toilet paper before my mom can catch me.

Thank you Anders! It's been a privilege and an honor to be your personal chef, wardrobe coordinator, trick pony, chauffeur and biographer this past year. Best of luck with year two!


  1. This is darling! I can't believe he is one already. What a cutie!

  2. LOLZ...just lolz. Seriously, I laughed through the whole thing. You just made my day! And the pictures of Anders eating things didn't hurt. Oh and that one of him and Adam at the beach where Anders looks super excited and Adam looks like he has appendicitis? Love. Also - no nursing?!? What is it like?? Can't imagine. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

  3. I loved this! What a cute idea. Loved the pictures, I haven't seen most of them.
