
Anders at 1.25

Anders is 15 months old and is in full blown toddler mode. Running around destroying the house, learning new words every day, throwing epic tantrums in public, the whole nine yards. There's so much about this age I don't want to forget (and quite a few things I'd love to), so I wanted to jot down a little bit about Anders right now.
Moving and grooving! He walks all over the place, is starting to run and figure out stairs, pretends to jump, wrestles with Mom, Dad, and Oliver, loooooves being chased around the house, climbs on play structures and can slide by himself. We're having so much fun taking him to parks almost every day but he's also happy to just hang out in the backyard in our little 12'x8' patch of grass. You take what you can get in the city!
Talking up a storm. Probably my favorite thing about this age. He's learning new words every day it seems and it always surprises me the things he picks up on. He has maybe 30 words that he uses on a regular basis and also speaks Hebrew fluently (we think, still waiting to have this confirmed). I can't wait until that magical day when his use of words helps avoid meltdowns. Tell me this happens at 16 months.
Still loves to read. He brings us a constant stream of books throughout the day (and has figured out how to scoot backwards into our laps so we can read them to him) which is mostly awesome but if I'm trying to get something done it can be a little heartbreaking. He's currently loving the Olivia books, Little Critter, and "Toot" which he discovered from his friend William who is obviously a terrible influence.
Loves Dad best. A new development while we were in California. If Adam tries to hand Anders off to me he'll cry and cling to him (Anders clinging to Adam, that is). So strange. I enjoyed it at first because it meant my hands were free but I can't say it doesn't sting a tiny bit every time. I've taken to whispering disparaging things about Adam in Anders' ear whenever we're alone together. #sorrynotsorry
Crazy mood swings! I don't know if we'll ever be blessed with a daughter, but if we are I'm so ready for the teen years. I'm not sure where he got his high stress personality (averts eyes) but Anders seems to go from happy to sad to happy at the drop of a hat. No longer will I secretly judge the parent who goes running from a restaurant/store with a screaming toddler. That has been me more times than I'd like to admit.
Sleeping pretty well but goes to bed late (8-8:30) and wakes up early (6-6:30). He still takes two naps and the late bedtime allows us to be out later when we want so I don't complain too much, only every morning at 6 AM. Especially after traveling with our friends whose baby goes to bed at the same time as Anders and then sleeps in 2 hours after him in the morning. Come on, man!
Also loves: group hugs, challah bread, washing machines, his binky ("key-key"), rocks/sticks, trash trucks ("ka kucks"), big kids and babies ("ba-buh"), all animals, balls ("da" for a ball in general or "dada" for a ball with a specific name (basketball, soccer ball, etc), no idea where this came from), the sand box, and food (especially carbs).

In conclusion, Anders is totally nailing the toddler thing. It's like he read the book on being a toddler only it wasn't him, it was me! I read the book and I'm still way out of my league with this firecracker. 15 months is the best and the worst but I wouldn't change a thing about him. Except maybe his umbilical hernia because it's weird and might require surgery.


  1. How much this boy loves to read really is incredible! And how much he laughs during "Toot" is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!! Not sorry we introduced him to potty talk at such a tender age. Love both of you <3

    1. courty, i'm so glad that william has adopted your "late to bed, late to rise" policy. also your bathroom humor (what is it about leslie patricelli that babies LOVE??). it feels like all is right with the world.

  2. I love this kid! Learning new words DEFINITELY helps tame the tantrums! Doesn't eliminate, but makes it all much more manageable. I can't wait for you two to come here and read all our books.

  3. I am so glad you posted an update! I was just wondering to myself what the coolest kid on the block was up to lately and it looks like a lot of amazing shenanigans. He's wrestling skills for sure look above age level and I totally get his love of carbs and mood swings. Anders is basically the toddler version of me, but with way better hair.

  4. anders, way to be a toddler. sorry about the tantrums. i have nothing to add to that conversation, except praying for patience 100 times a day.
