
anatomy of a year

weeks spent apart: 16
thank you notes written: 240ish
fl oz sunscreen applied: 0
haircuts given in our bathroom: 6
countries visited: 2
flights taken together: 4
dishes broken: 3
weeks of Netflix: <1
episodes of Friday Night Lights watched on Netflix: 11
children conceived: 0
camping trips: 4
blog posts: 15
student loans taken: 30k (ouch!)
waffles consumed: 80
joints smoked in passing: prolly around 30

I think it's safe to say that one year later....
we've still got it.


  1. 'Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose' is obviously the motto of your marriage. Seriously an impressive list. And doesn't it feel good to be in a relationship where breaking a dish or three isn't a truly traumatic/possibly life-ending experience? Congrats on one year! Miss you guys.

    (Except you lose in the aspect that we've watched 17 episodes of FNL is the last seven days. Can you tell Nathan's out for the summer?)

  2. Kira- love that you guys are FNLers too. I tried to convince Adam that we should say "clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose" every night before we go to sleep but we could never remember the words so it didn't really take off. And seriously, it's nice not having to do surgery on a broken dish.

    Morgan- thanks! we propped our camera up on a broken log and used the self timer. sooooooo professional.

  3. i say we double the camping trip number for year four, you with me???

  4. broken log as photog = so seattle. love you both! xo
