
someone else's baby

Sometimes I get it into my head that I can do crafty things. I'm not talking about re-upholestering a chair or decoupaging a mail box. I would never be ambitious enough to try the first and I leave the latter to my mother in law.  But simple as these projects are, I always start out with such high hopes and then end up near tears within the hour. This year, for Kai's birthday, I decided to make him a mat to drive his cars around on. As was the case with every other project I've ever started (see: our entire wedding), I dreamed the dream (or in other words I had the vision) and Adam ended up swooping in and saving the day with his patience and excessive attention to detail. He's a catch, that one. I'm not sure how long it ended up taking us but I can tell you how long it didn't take us which was 1-2 hours. Why do the internets always lie? But it's done and I'm pretty pleased with the result!

Oh, you were hoping for a play by play? Lucky you. (PS...I should warn you that if you don't like seeing pictures of adorable babies in diapers you should stop reading here)

 let's start at the very beginning 
(btw...I feel I should clarify that our apartment is not normally this messy!)
back when I was still doing the majority of the work
 it's like watching Michelangelo, no?

 eh, viola
 are you dying yet?
 surveying his kingdom

 aaaaand he approves

I really really like my job. When I first started nannying for this family, I assumed it would be temporary until I could find something else. But then I sort of fell in love with this kid. And I mean...what's not to love?
  • He enjoys waterboarding his bath toys
  • When he gets mad, he screams really relevant things like "MOMMY AND DADDY ON AN AIRPLANE TO JAPAN!" or "IT'S TIME TO GO TRACTOR TIPPING!"
  • He's a huge bookworm
  • He can't quite pronounce the word "truck"
  • When he has something cheesy on his plate he eats like a champ, but pretends he doesn't remember how to hold a fork when it's something less desirable. (just mad I didn't think of this first)
  • He can sing "Popcorn Popping" better and with more true feeling than our 5 year old Primary kids
  • He loves to get all up in other kids faces and say "baby!" while petting them on the head. This often includes kids who are older than him
  • He thinks I'm hilarious 
I know he's not my baby but really he's my baby


  1. Um, hello. You are incredible! You should sell those on Etsy, my Jack would LOVE that, maybe if I am ambitious someday I will make one. So cute. I totally agree on the liars in the craft-blogging world. Things always take longer than they say. I miss you my friend!

  2. Such skill! Such talent! Come. Visit.


  3. wow, you're amazing, but I'm partial to the made in morocco sign. you are so ambitious lately

  4. THIS IS SO CUTE!! Stop it. I thought we were supposed to be un-crafty together! In fact, this is so adorable it's kind of disgusting. Oh, and no matter how much you want it to, the Seattle Aquarium does NOT have Orca Whales...just saying.

  5. That mat turned out stellar. You should think about quitting your day job but really, don't because dang that kid is cute. Also, Harper has the same trouble with the word truck. And six doesn't always sound right either...
