
the trail to fame and glory


 hey lil s'mores baby!

 hey lil hillary step!


Adam and I spent the last two weekends in a row on a camping/hiking/spelunking extravaganza. This is a pretty big deal for me because Adam and I went camping all of two times last summer and both times I vowed it would be my last camping trip. It was "too cold! my back! my neck! I'll never recover!" But I guess I'm not as high maintenance as I thought because I was actually quite comfortable on this trip. I've discovered that the secret to my success is: a sleeping bag laid out, then an air mattress, followed by a 15 degree sleeping bag that I sleep in, all topped off with our spare comforter. Oh, and don't forget the two pairs of socks, spandex, sweat pants, and hoodie over a long sleeve shirt. And a pillow is essential. There. Now we're ready for some camping!

We went with our friends Brent and Courtney who are working on a pretty intense bucket list. Highlights of this trip included: Mount Storm King, the Hoh Rainforest (where we encountered lots of supposedly aggressive elk that we were cautioned to stay either 100 or 1000 feet away from, but ended up having to share the trail with), the Pacific Ocean (which I've never actually seen before! "Whaaaat?!", cried Courtney) Mount Saint Helens, and Ape Caves.

My own personal highlight of the trip was when Courtney dropped all but two of the hot dogs on the ground and then proceeded to eat one of the dirty ones on principle to prove that it was "no big deal, guys.  People eat stuff off the floor all the time". Except this wasn't the floor. It was a dirty, ashy campsite. No one ended up eating those 2 clean hot dogs anyway but I'd like to think we all learned a pretty valuable lesson that night.


  1. uuuuuuuughhhhhhhhh you don't know how jealous this makes me. now i'm trying to figure out when we can come and enjoy nature with you four.

  2. Hahahaaa...I washed it OFF!! It fell on GRASS!!! It was not even DIRRRTY! Exaggerator ;) But seriously, we had so much fun with you guys, and these good times will have to be repeated over the course of the summer, preferably with Hanner when she comes to visit??

  3. I think our low-maintenance camping styles would mix quite well. Also, them pictures are bonkers. They look professional and are selling me on a Pacific Northwest adventure. This is me inviting myself up and asking for all of your photography tips.

  4. PNW envy! Seriously pining for some quality Washington time. We need to rustle up some North Face paraphernalia and come out there already. Also, next time you post about mountain adventures please include someone falling off the cliff face in a giant blizzard. We both know that's what I really want to read about.
